How A Jackknife Can Lead To A Dangerous Accident

One of the most dangerous types of commercial truck accidents that you might encounter is a jackknife. This accident results from the cab of the truck stopping suddenly. Because the trailer is the larger and heavier part of the truck, it does not stop immediately. Due to the momentum, the trailer swings to the side. When this occurs, you might be struck by the truck.

Damages Caused By a Jackknife

Because of how heavy a commercial truck can be, the act of stopping suddenly can lead to your car being totaled and can also cause serious injuries. Being hit by a truck can lead to broken bones, head injuries, and is often fatal. While there are some circumstances where the commercial truck driver might have not done anything wrong, many cases involve negligence.

Negligence is important because you will need to prove that the commercial truck driver was negligent to be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Therefore, you'll want to recount the actions that the driver took and seek out witnesses who may support your version of the events. 

The driver might have been traveling at a very high speed, which can make it harder to stop suddenly and can lead to a jackknife accident. The driver might have made a very dangerous turn. The sharper the turn, the more likely that the truck will jackknife and hit your vehicle. 

Common Defenses

The truck driver might claim that there was nothing that could be done to avoid the accident due to the weather. While the weather is a common reason for a jackknife accident, drivers are expected to drive more cautiously under these conditions.

Some trucks jackknife due to an equipment malfunction. However, this is also not an acceptable excuse because truck drivers are expected to make sure that their vehicles are properly serviced and should not drive their vehicles if they are not safe to operate. 

Finally, the truck driver might dispute your account of the accident. However, when working closely with a truck accident lawyer, you should be able to prove that the accident was the result of a jackknife and that the driver was likely at fault for the accident. Then, the only way that the commercial driver would be able to reduce their liability is by arguing that you were partially at fault. Because so much money is on the line, it's important to always work with a truck accident lawyer.

For more information about working with an accident lawyer, contact a local law firm, such as Snyder & Wenner, P.C.

About Me

Understanding How To Obtain Accident Compensation Through The Court System

Hello, I am June Miazaki. When I was in my early thirties, I found out that I lost my parents in a horrible car accident. They lost their life due to the actions of a drunk driver who was claiming they were to blame for the collision. Since I was emotionally and financially devastated by this loss, I needed help handling the accident proceedings. I wanted to have my parents' funeral and vehicle damage covered by the negligent party's insurance. I also wanted to obtain financial compensation to stay afloat while dealing with my grief. I hired a personal injury attorney to help me file a case with the courts. I will share information about the process of filing a case like this with the courts from beginning to end. I hope that the stories I tell will help other people through a similarly difficult time.

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