3 Possible Reasons Why Your Workers Compensation Claim Was Denied

If you were injured while you were at work, you deserve workers compensation. Workers compensation will help cover your medical bills while you're recovering and will even help you with money to pay your bills and support your family until you are able to go back to work, but unfortunately, some claims get denied. If your claim has recently been denied, you could be wondering why; these are just a few common reasons. Luckily, talking to a good workers compensation lawyer can help you appeal the decision so that you can get the money that you deserve.

1. You Failed Your Drug Test

When you initially went to the doctor's office or hospital, you were probably given a toxin screen to find out if you had any illegal drugs or alcohol in your system. If you failed this test, you can generally expect for your claim to be denied. If you weren't using illegal drugs when the accident occurred, however, or if you were prescribed the medication that you failed your test for, a lawyer can help.

2. There Is a Discrepancy

After your accident, the insurance company probably talked to your employer, any employees or others who might have witnessed the accident and you. They probably also went over your accident reports and medical information. Unfortunately, if there was a discrepancy somewhere in all of these statements and documents, then your claim might have been denied. Luckily, a lawyer can help get everything sorted out so that you can get the workers compensation that you are owed.

3. You Didn't Report the Accident Right Away

Any time that you are injured at work, you should report the accident and injury as soon as possible. If you don't, you could have to deal with workers compensation problems later on, especially if you have been fired or laid off since the incident occurred. However, some injury-related symptoms don't present themselves until a while after they happen, and in some situations, it isn't feasible to report an accident as soon as it happens. Although it can be tough, a lawyer can help prove that you truly were injured at work.

Having your workers compensation claim denied can be a nightmare. Luckily, you shouldn't assume that you won't get the assistance that you deserve just because your claim was denied. A workers compensation attorney like Neifert Byrne & Ozga can help you appeal the decision so that you can hopefully win your case.

About Me

Understanding How To Obtain Accident Compensation Through The Court System

Hello, I am June Miazaki. When I was in my early thirties, I found out that I lost my parents in a horrible car accident. They lost their life due to the actions of a drunk driver who was claiming they were to blame for the collision. Since I was emotionally and financially devastated by this loss, I needed help handling the accident proceedings. I wanted to have my parents' funeral and vehicle damage covered by the negligent party's insurance. I also wanted to obtain financial compensation to stay afloat while dealing with my grief. I hired a personal injury attorney to help me file a case with the courts. I will share information about the process of filing a case like this with the courts from beginning to end. I hope that the stories I tell will help other people through a similarly difficult time.

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